Who are we?
The internet global solution for all business processes.
Since 1996 BKGateway is active in:
- Protection (firewalls and data encryption)
- Internet design (concept design and construction of websites)
- OctoPost (communication among ERP systems, middleware solutions)
- Catalogue management (construction and management of catalogues with the aid of BKGateway's product OctoPost)
- Hosting (web servers, application servers)
BKGateway offers you internet access in co-operation with Internet Service Provider Cubic Circle, an organisation with an experience of more than 10 years in the business community, organisations and public service.
The result is an open and flexible platform that enables you to streamline internet applications. This involves e-business with your distributors, partners, suppliers and customers. Also the streamlining of your administrative processes in order to benefit for the maximum of the knowledge and information already present in your organisation.
BKGateway makes use of the newest technologies, universal standards and is very flexible. We can develop fast and custom made, concentrated on your specific business situation.

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